Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ascope Day 1

Day 1
22. Agosto. 2011
>Arrived in Ascope from Trujillo at around 1:30ish. Matt from Peru 14 accompañared me. He is my nearest neighbor and is almost done with his service here. In December he will move to Lima for a third year with Peace Corps. I was thankful for his help today. He introduced me to cocitas that were sold on the bus on the way here. They were 50 centimos and delicious. Toasted little coconut mounds. Tasted like no bake cookies without the pb and chocolate. A treat I am happy to know.
>Ate lunch with Maggie and Matt. Didn't talk as much as I should have. Good meal, good conversation. Gave a tiny speech at Matt's suggestion. It was effective. Maggie teared up a little bit talking about having me there and being happy to have me. It was nice. Matt managed to get us out of desert... I need to learn how to politely refuse food like that. You can tell he's been here for awhile :)
>Arranged my room a bit.
>Walked around town. Chatted with as many random people as I could. Bought a Sublime con galleta for the road at a snack stand. Snack stand guy is named Segundo, a good thing to know.
>Returned home and chatted with Maggie's friends. They are moms in Pierre's class as well, and they were all working on a diorama to present tomorrow at an event for the anniversary of the school. Had coffee with them, which included bread and avocado. Tasty treats. Chatted. They invited me to play volleyball tomorrow on their team because one of them is pregnant and they need someone to take her place. I gladly accepted my first official invite for something other than food. Maggie said I could spend the whole day with them tomorrow at the school. Win!
>Peeled potatoes with the peeler I brought for the fam. They let me help! Alright! I even taught Pierre how to use it and let him peel as much as he wanted, which was a half of a potato. He did great! I like being a big sister :)
>Dinner with fam. My Spanish was shaky with nerves. They are so nice to me.
>One last thing, I might be killing a duck tomorrow... not quite sure. Vamos a ver...
Day 1: Success. I feel good. I am happy here.

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