Hello friends, fam, and faithful followers. I just stopped by the blog and noticed 2 things- A.) I have over 2,000 views already! Wow! and B.) I haven't written in over a month. Boo! I can give three solid reasons for this:
1- My November time was spent in nearly it's entirety working on a Community Diagnostic required by Peace Corps that was due at the end of the month.
2- The first week of December was spent with Joe who was my first visitor! I am now allowed to have visitors and I took advantage of that by planning a bf trip that began literally on the second day we were allowed to travel and have visitors.
3- My internet guy fell off the roof. Seriously. The internet I had in my room was taken away from me spontaneously in early November and I had to have it re-installed. By the time this finally happened, I was away for a training and when I came back, Piere told me that someone fell off the roof of the house because of me. Always a nice welcoming child that one. Even though I thought Piere was making this all up, my host mom explained that it was true. During the re-installation process of my internet, the nice man helping me out fell off of our roof. After the fall, the guy was thankfully not injured and walked away alright but couldn't finish the job, understandably so. By the time I came back from my trip with Joe, there was a beautiful wonderful ethernet chord hiding under my dresser waiting to be discovered.
And now, there is internet. A splendid little holiday treat. Naturally I am most excited about being able to keep in touch with everyone at home. But, I won't whine about my recently regained YouTube access either. Lady Gaga has been doing marvelous things while I've been off the grid. The new video for "Marry the Night" is worth all 14 minutes of internet time :)
That said, I hope that in the coming days those of you who are still patient enough with me to keep checking this will have new posts to peruse. Sorry for the lapse in communication <again>. Thanks again for stopping by.
One more thing- I am without camera. The one I brought with me was damaged and progressively worked less and less with time. Joe brought my old camera for me, but it was stolen about 3 days after we were reunited :( So... I have fewer pictures to share with you and many of them were taken with my iPhone. I can't promise quality and I don't know when I will be with camera again. I will do my best to steal pictures from others when I can, but the blog might be less attractive and more text heavy for awhile. Apologies.
As I do like to sprinkle random pictures around where I can, I will leave you with this image of my Chaco tanned feet. If you remember my wounded toe, you might recall that I could not wear real shoes for awhile. That combined with the crazy strong sun here created what I like to call 'foot art.' Enjoy :)
that foot art is unlike anything i have seen before!