Friday, May 4, 2012

Ordinary Things 4: Inca Kola

The first time you drink Inca Kola, you will hate it. I only know of one person who liked it on their first go-around, and he likes weird things. So for the most part, people try it , hate it, get forced into drinking it again (Peruvian folks are very persistent when it comes to food/ drinks), and then slowly start to fall in love with it. Soon after those first startling sips, it begins to grow on you. Then before you know it, you're craving a nice cold Inca Kola fat boy (El Gordito ;) on those hot summer days. 

I didn't really drink soda before coming here. I mean, I'd have the occasional root beer float when I was at Mom and Dad's house, maybe a Sprite if it had some vodka in it, or a diet coke when I was really tired or eating Chinese food. But other than that, my diligence to dental hygiene kept me away from the stuff. But then I came to Peru where they use cane sugar and not corn syrup... and now I drink soda. Aaahh yes, my dear sweet Peru, where the sun shines brighter and the soda tastes sweeter, how I love you so... but now I drink soda. Dammit. Don't worry, I brush my teeth after every occurrence. I also attribute this ugly new habit to a lack of options. It is very common to have soda served with your meal, and no water available. So, it just sorta happens. 

Of all the soda I get served to me though, none is more common or presented with so much pride as the one and only Inca Kola. To visit Peru without guzzling just a cup of this sweet nectar is a trip wasted. Un producto Peruano, and perhaps second only to Machu Picchu on the country's list of things they are proud of having. And as far as lists go, it also sits around the top of my "Things I Will Miss in my Far-Away Post-Peru Life" list. 

So here's to you Inca Kola. Salud! 

Farid and I go buy the good stuff before lunch almost every day. 
Here he is at the bodega down the road from our place. 

A fixture at any party or meeting. 

Lunch with the host family. 

3 Liters. Om Nom Nom. 

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