Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 19: The TV Interview

Day 19
Sep. 9, 2011
>8am- Ran a 5K. Halfway through, My run intersected with a phy ed class. Their teacher, had them line up as I was coming around the track. He made them run with me. They were quick. We did 2 laps, then I joined their class for stretches and speed work. Afterwards, some of the girls asked me to play volleyball with them. This was a great 'in' with the kids. They were 12 and 13 years old and so much fun!!!
> Biodanza lesson with the high school kids and Profesora Liliana Leka. Biodanza is this method of getting kids (people in general) to feel more comfortable with themselves through basic dance and mild meditation skills. Interesting at best. Profesora Leka says I have natural rhythm. The whole thing was strange, but sort of fun. The kids seemed to warm up to the idea of dancing around after awhile. They were cute. It's nice getting to know them.
> Lunch with fam. Delicious cabbage dish. I put too much ahi on it though which scarred my tongue and prevented much enjoyment of food for the following hour or so :( Boo.
> Piere gifted me a puppy! The little brown and white one liked me the best. She snuggled into my arms and licked me a bunch. She was real cozy when I held her and she liked it when Piere and I tickled her fat little tummy. Love. She looked at me with a lot of love in her little face. She has clear blues eyes which I'm told will change to green. She is a pitbull. And adorable. And mine. After some thought, I decided to call her Ruby. She is the blondest of the bunch and rubia is too long. There is already a dog called Gringo... to call her Gringa would be confusing. But she is light brown in a family of black and gray dogs... hence she's the rubia. Therefore, I shall call her Ruby. Piere approved it and the fam seems to like it too. Win.
> Went to the school district. Fany was busy, so I talked to her colleague Santos about the library project that Carlos had mentioned. Carlos is my community partner at the municipality and he had mentioned that the community wants a library. A house of a late poet who was born in Ascope is being renovated in January and will be turned into a Cultural House. Santos explained that there is already a committee in place working on the casa cultural, in which they want to include a library. He invited me to an impromptu meeting Monday night so that the committee can meet with me to discuss this further. Basically, this is a huge undertaking. This group wants a library, but they need funding, and books, and computers. So many many things. I want to tackle this, but I am intimidated... Looking forward to Monday's meeting though.
> TV Interview! I think it went well. Antonio from the school district interviewed me. He's actually pretty cool. He threw in a question about my new puppy because he could tell I was nervous. It was nice. I didn't know how to answer all of the questions immediately, but there weren't any pauses that were too ridiculously long. We talked about the Red Ambiental, the upcoming science fair, etc. Fany did most of the talking, thank goodness. I think it went well, but I am happy it is over :)
>Antonio, Fany, and I had juice and some little bread things at a cafe in Casa Grande. We had a very complimetary conversation in which they said my Spanish was fine during the interview. Sweet! Antonio is really cool. He has lived in Argentina, Germany, and Japan. He is a published writer and he knows where Wisconsin is because he has a friend who lives there. He said that people from WI are nicer than people he has met from other states and that we are humble and hardworking, with an appreciation of nature. Strange that he would have such a specific description, but i like it. My evening was very good and went better than I had thought it would. Another great Friday to end another solid week.

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